[ltp] VESA at 1600x1200

Christoph Lechleitner linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 21:27:57 +0100

>>> The machine is a T60p, which has been running Ubuntu Feisty fairly
>>> reliably for 6 months. (I'm using the VESA driver, so no weird
>>> proprietary things either)
>> Slight tangent... but how did you get the VESA driver to do ANYTHING
>> other than 640x480?
>> I tried everything I could think of; adding custom modelines, tweaking
>> VertRefresh/HorizRefresh and everything else I could think of...
>> nothing seemed to work. No matter what I did, the VESA driver seems
>> hard-coded for 640x480, max.

> That's odd. The vesa driver can certainly do higher res 

... if he knows it, and the color depths match, and you have a 4:3

See my mini howto ...
... which I took these core hints from:

    * Stop X, including this weird new failsafe thingie
    * Eventually uninstall any binary driver from NVidia or ATI
    * Use hwinfo --framebuffer to get a list of resolutions and color
depths (!) your card's VESA interface claims to support. (No I do not
know what to do if the wanted resolution is not availble)
    * Configure X to use VESA, e.g. with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.
Do only use resolutions and color dephts just gained, and be reminded
that the vesa driver does not really support other color depths than 8
(? not sure), 15, 16, 24; definitively not 32.
    * Use cvt width height freq (e.g. cvt 1920 1200 60) to generate
ModeLine lines that you might want to put in the Monitor section of your
xorg.conf (or in the Modes section if you want or have to use one)

Regards Christoph